Online Learning Makes the Difference
If you have children between the ages of 5 – 18 you are well aware of the stress of managing your child’s school and extracurricular transportation arrangements.
Around 30% of all car trips are taken in order to attend organized sporting events, and 35% of parents are saying that organizing their children’s extracurricular is more stressful than filing their taxes. So, it is more than reasonable for us to note, that when trying to find different activities for children to take part in that there would be a high amount of traffic for searches such as “gymnastics classes near me”, “drum lessons near me” or “Spanish classes near me”.
Parents want to minimize their time spent driving to and from different activities and thus increase their own available time to enjoy life. Then along came online learning, totally and completely revolutionizing the idea of extracurriculars. Finally, a solution for the busy parent.
The Online Learning Experience is Even More Convenient Than Ever
Technology is making online learning more and more appealing to students all over the world and investment in this technology is climbing to astronomical numbers now that companies are seeing this opportunity to rake in the profits. This all means that there are now more tools available to make the online experience even more convenient than ever.
“The students of the future will demand the learning support that is appropriate for their situation or context. Nothing more, nothing less. And they want it at the moment the need arises. Not sooner, not later.”
– Dr. Marcus Specht, Open University of Netherlands
This trend started to take off in the last few years as internet penetration rose to an all time high of 87% in the United States. Internet access availability makes online education much more possible than before. More and more universities are now offering an “E-learning” option for their students due to its many benefits.
In fact, one out of every four universities in the United States offer this course of study. It is clear that online learning has arrived and is here to stay.
Many people have the desire to learn a foreign language or wish their children could learn one; however, with traditional learning methodology and tools, people were tethered down to the courses and teachers that their local schools offered. The Internet and online learning has completely disrupted traditional ways of learning a foreign language, making it available for anyone who has the desire to speak a second language.
“Online learning has arrived and is here to stay.”
Below are the top four reasons why going the Online route when learning a second language is the right choice:
1. Native Language Speaking Teachers
In the traditional education system, someone wanting to learn a language would typically have to settle for the teachers that were available at the local facilities where the language course was offered. Take, as an example, a parent who wants their child to learn Spanish. They would have to depend on the school system in their neighborhood. If the Spanish teacher at their child’s school was not a native speaker, their child could miss out on hearing correct pronunciation and other important sentences structures and vocabulary that only native speakers use.
Nowadays, one can sign up for online Spanish classes and instantly be connected with any number of native Spanish speakers, located all around the world, who are qualified to teach their child Spanish. Spanish classes are now nearer to you than ever before.
“You can’t teach people everything they need to know. The best you can do is position them where they can find what they need to know when they need to know it.”– Seymour Papert, MIT Mathematician
2. Scheduling
Many of us have a busy life and we are already running around, shuttling our kids to many different events, practices, play dates and more. We are also working long, hard hours at work and the only thing we want to do when we get home is relax on the couch with a good book or a movie. So when it comes to adding one more extra curricular activity to our kids’ schedule or an after work obligation, many of us won’t even consider it. However, online learning makes this thought much less daunting.
With the new technologies that are being offered by online learning companies you can schedule your classes at your convenience. Let’s take your child’s online Spanish classes. You could schedule him/her with a native Spanish speaker before or after basketball or volleyball practice, or in the morning on a Saturday before the family goes out for lunch, or even on a Sunday around 10:00am when your child finally rolls out of bed. Online Spanish classes are infinitely more convenient than traditional options offered in the past. No more searching in Google for “Spanish classes near me”.
3. No Driving Involved
Parents might think that their child’s basketball practice is only a 45 minute commitment; however, between the 25 minutes it takes to motivate your child to get dressed and ready to go, the 15 minutes it takes to drive there and back, that 45 minute practice now takes up much more time in the day. With online learning there is no driving involved! Not only do you not waste time on your commute to the classes but you also save money on gas. Traditional local facilities that offer language instruction are normally not located right down the block from the student, which means a commute, ultimately adding extra time that is not being spent on the actual learning of the language.
With online learning, your child’s online Spanish classes will be much less of a hassle for you as you won’t have to fight traffic to get him/her to class and you can use the saved gas money for that book to cuddle up with on the couch while your little Spanish speaker is in his/her room saying “hola!” to their teacher. Spanish classes are not just now “near me” they are actually in your child’s bedroom, or wherever you may be, at the time and day of your convenience.
4. Individualized Learning
As many online classes are one on one, (one teacher to one student) the classes are much more individualized. This allows for ultimate use of class time. The teacher can spend extra time on student specific errors. The student won’t have to wait for the teacher to finish helping another student in order to get help with his/her questions or doubts. The teacher can also tailor the class to the students’ needs and pacing.
What does this look like for our little Spanish speaker taking online Spanish classes? Well, your child won’t have to listen to the teacher teaching the numbers 1-10 to another student when he/she is much further ahead and ready to learn more advanced language.
These are just a few reasons why online learning has revolutionized the foreign language learning system. We are no longer forced to depend on what our local educational facilities nearest your home offer, when it comes to teacher quality, scheduling, traffic, and individualized learning. So give it a try and sign your child up for their own online Spanish class! No need to type into Google “Spanish classes near me” when Kids’ Club Spanish School is always near you wherever you might be!