Spanish Immersion Method: 5 Questions You Might Have
So parents, you want your child to learn Spanish helping him or her be a more well- rounded individual, broaden their horizons, and of course, provide them with more opportunities for their future. Your child learned their native tongue by actually living it, and being totally immersed in the language. They heard it from their family, radio, TV, and they spoke it every day until the language almost became a part of them, a kind of extremity. That is how natural language acquisition occurs, when one is covered with the language from head to toe. So why not use the same method when learning a second language such as Spanish?

Learn Spanish for Kids – Top 20 Important Words
¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo te llamas? With only few words and phrases your child will easily make a lot of new friends. Yes, you must have noticed that kids make friends quickly. Many of times they do not even need language for that, however knowing some phrases will definitely help the task. But why learn Spanish for kids?

Online Spanish Classes Near Me
Parents want to minimize their time spent driving to and from different activities and thus increase their own available time to enjoy life. Then along came online learning, totally and completely revolutionizing the idea of extracurriculars. Finally, a solution for the busy parent.

Five Fantastic Bilingual Books in Spanish for Kids
One of the best ways to learn Spanish for kids or any other foreign language is to read it. In fact, this is how a lot of us learned grammar structure and acquired vocabulary in our own native language. Bilingual books are a great way to ease into reading in another language.

How Does One Decide Which Variant of Spanish to Learn?
So you have decided to learn Spanish? It may sound like an easy decision to make, but with over 20 countries speaking Spanish as their official language, you can imagine that there are many different variants of Spanish spoken. Which variant of Spanish will you learn? We will help you decide.

How To Teach Your Child Spanish If You Don’t Speak It
Learning a foreign language is an important part of a child’s education in many aspects. Not only does it have many mental health benefits like improving memory, being more creative, better at solving complex problems, and scoring higher on standardized tests but it also greatly improves their future job prospects. So overall a huge win. We also know that learning a second language at a young age is the best time to learn as children are like little language learning geniuses at this time in their life, soaking it up like a sponge.

N2N Method
September 1st, 2018 was the date Kids' Club Spanish School opened their doors offering live online Spanish classes for kids. This is not your run of the mill Spanish school but a special online educational platform that guarantees to completely captivate children’s attention for the 25-minute duration of the class by using their coined “N2N” Method.

Why Choose Spanish as a Foreign Language for Your Kids
We all have heard about the benefits of learning a second language. We have all heard that young children are almost at a genius level when it comes to acquiring a second language. Spanish is spoken by hundreds of millions of people natively, not to mention millions more as a second language. Learning Spanish for kids should be a no-brainer when it comes to considering the right educational path for one’s children.